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Midpoint Bearing knows that you care how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust that we will do so responsibly and sensibly. Our commitment to you means we will never sell, rent, or give your personal information to any non-affiliated third parties, except as described in this notice. 

Use of Automatically Collected Information
Midpoint Bearing passively collects various types of information sent to us by our customers’ web browsers and use it to help us personalize and continually improve the general experience at midpoint.eis-inc.com. Midpoint Bearing’s web server collects general data pertaining to each Site visitor, including the IP address, the domain name, the web page, the length of time spent and the pages accessed while visiting this Site. This information is collected to improve the content of the site, customize and improve the user buying experience, and improve customer service in general.

Midpoint Bearing also collects personally identifiable and transactional information provided by companies and Site visitors that purchase products online from Midpoint Bearing. This information includes shipping information, credit cardholder name and card number/expiration date. Midpoint Bearing may also retain the content of the communications that are sent to Midpoint Bearing customer service representatives. This information helps Midpoint Bearing to respond to inquiries regarding this Site.

Use of Information You Give Us
Midpoint Bearing uses the information that you enter on our website to respond to your requests, customize future buying for you, improve our site and product offerings for you, and to communicate better with you. Midpoint Bearing may also use the information to notify Site visitors of changes to this Site, to notify Site visitors of new products, and for any other legitimate and lawful business purpose of Midpoint Bearing.

Midpoint Bearing may choose to share information with third parties, such as suppliers, financial institutions, and third party service providers, and with any successor to Midpoint Bearing’s interest. Midpoint Bearing may disclose information about any Site visitor in response to subpoenas, investigative requests (with or without subpoena) and other legal process, to exercise Midpoint Bearing’s legal rights and defend against legal claims.



Website Security
Midpoint.eis-inc.com security is a priority. We work to protect the security of your information during transmission by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts information you input.

Midpoint.eis-inc.com also uses industry-standard encryption technology to provide for the security of vital information. Our Website is certified by VeriSign, which verifies that our Website is authentic and that all transactions are secured by Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption.


Account Security
Midpoint Bearing is dedicated to ensuring that your account remains secure. Learn more about the various ways to protect your Midpoint Bearing account:

Keep Your User ID and Password Secure

  • Never reveal your password to anyone
  • Change your password periodically

Protect Your Account from Online Fraud

Often called “spoofing” or “phishing”, the most current methods of online fraud are fake emails, Web sites and pop-up windows, or any combination of these, which appear to have originated from a legitimate company. To report a suspicious email that uses Midpoint Bearings’s name, immediately call eCommerce Help at 1-866-483-5960 Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. – 4 p.m., (MST)


Cookies and Other Technology Information
A cookie is a small data file (a unique computer-generated identifier) that certain websites write to your hard drive when you visit web pages.

Midpoint Bearing uses Cookies to track new visitors to the Site and recognize past customers so that Midpoint Bearing may present more personalized content. Cookies are used to assist Midpoint Bearing in customizing Site information. Cookies used by this Site do not contain any personally identifiable information. Midpoint Bearing cannot identify a customer unless that information is provided voluntarily.

Midpoint Bearing also contracts with a third party data collection and reporting service ("Third Party Service") to collect information regarding Site visitors and their use of this Site. The Third Party Service uses Cookies on Midpoint Bearing’s behalf to collect such information. Midpoint Bearing uses this information to provide Site and service enhancements for customers and Site visitors. The Third Party Service is contractually prohibited from using information obtained in the course of providing these services to Midpoint Bearing in any manner other than solely for Midpoint Bearing’s business purposes.

Unsubscribing from E-Mail Marketing
Each Site visitor can unsubscribe from receiving particular e-mails containing promotional offers from Midpoint Bearing or all emails from Midpoint Bearing by simply sending a request indicating their specific desires to Unsubscribe.


The Midpoint Bearing web site may be linked to other sites that are not owned, maintained or operated by Midpoint Bearing and not subject to the same Privacy and other Policies. Midpoint Bearing is not responsible for the content of those sites or the use of any information collected from you by those sites. The inclusion of any link to such sites does not imply any recommendation or sponsorship of such sites and Midpoint Bearing disclaims any liability for links: (i) from another website to this Site, and (ii) to another website from this Site.


Policy Updates
Midpoint Bearing may update this policy from time to time. Please check the Site periodically for updates.

How to Contact Us
For questions or comments please contact us.